May I rip you off?

Zoya and Vassilli.jpg

Zoya was looking to make a “quick buck.” She offered to tell Pastor Vassilli’s future, expecting in exchange a little silver. Gypsy people are a minority group in much of Ukraine, and very often they are feared or discriminated against. God so loved the “whole” world — including they gypsies. Pastor Vassilliy Semchishin demonstrated that truth on the day when he told Zoya that he knew an insight into her future, and when she tore her hand away out of fear and suspicion, Vassilliy reached back for it and assured her that there was a God who cared about her.

In this photo Vassilliy sits on the left, Zoya on the left.

Pastor Vassilliy is Russian, but living in Ukraine, he has a soft guttural accent when saying the letter “G.” Therefore he would tell you that he lives in the town of Marhanets’, on the north bank of the Dniper River. I pronounced it with the hard “G,” as it is spelled in Russian. Either spelling should enable you to find it on Google Maps.


Accepting Jesus and a Child


The far away village of Eekondu