We need good news!

What is happening with the church and withthe people of God?

Gospelink regions of ministry



We have heard that Christianity in Africa is a mile wide and an inch deep, indicating a lack of training and discipleship. What better way to strengthen the church than to equip and send solid and experienced national men to teach the gospel and what it means to follow Christ. Gospelink works with national preachers in eight different countries within the African continent.


Though religious freedom technically exists in India today, there is a cultural (and spiritual) movement to eradicate the testimony of Jesus Christ as the only Way, Truth, and Life. Christians today face the possibility of persecution, ever present poverty, and powerful traditional strongholds. Nonetheless, we see the Holy Spirit strengthening national preachers in India to stand strong and hold forth the Word.

Closed Asia

Gospelink enables sponsors to be involved with national preachers in both Central Asia and Southeast Asia. Despite keeping a very low profile on the internet and social media, the reports we receive every quarter from this sector of the world remind us that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. Sponsoring a preacher in Asia or simply buying a man a motorbike to help with transport is a way to be a part of gospel work in a part of the world we many never visit.


Former USSR

After the fall of the Communistic system, some of the Soviet states gravitated toward the west and others have patterned their rebuild as an Islamic state. Gospelink supports preachers in four different regions, and God continues to bring his light to those who have long sat in darkness.

Ambassador International University

Ten miles east of Chongwe, Zambia - IN THE BUSH - a 260 acre campus has been developed to train men and women to know the Word of God and to be equipped academically for ministry. Today AIU is an accredited university through which even people in USA can get a solid biblical education. For more see: https://www.aiuzambia.com/

Orphan Ministry

A very clear teaching in Scripture is God’s heart for the fatherless. Many national preachers take this literally and have orphans living with them. God has also used Gospelink to establish an orphanage in Malawi called Harvest Hope Home. Children cannot support themselves, and it is our privilege to give to people who will never pay us back!