The far away village of Eekondu
Milton Wikunge and his wife, Emelia, smile for a photo in front of their house with Gospelink Field Director, Willie Hunter. This photo indicates the stature of the Wikunge family, but man looks on the outside. On the inside, Milton is a giant!
Our story about Milton and his evangelism efforts in Eekondu represent the organic, grass roots nature of God’s people throughout the ages. With today’s technology, we can actually help you find Eekondu on a map, though the village itself is not incorporated!
Click on the link to find (perhaps not pinpoint) the general vicinity of the remote village of Eekondu.
Milton Wikunge has been supported through Gospelink since 2000. Before that year he had helped establish five churches Since he has been supported through Gospelink, he has been strengthened and facilitated to plant 23 different churches in his country!
Many of the Christians leaders in Gospelink seriously adhere to the Lord’s call of caring for the fatherless. Milton and Emelia have raised six of their own children and at the time of this post they are caring for two additional orphans. The two orphan girls are named Jeresine and Maria. Below is Maria’s photo and story as told by Milton.
“One day I was going to visit a church we had planted near Ilsumila. I saw two children taking care of animals in a field, and the children were young girls. I called to them, but they ran away. I went to seek a person who could explain the situation to me. I found the girls’ grandfather, and he told me their sad story.
In 2007 the girls’ father had been murdered by robbers one night when Maria was two years old and little Jeresine was only a few months old. Only two years later, their mother passed away from what most people consider a stroke. They came to live with their grandparents, but they are poor and can barely afford the simplest of provision. I talked to them and then to the chief of the village, and we all agreed that my wife and I could take Maria and Jeresine and raise them.”
Maria reads her school assignment