Accepting Jesus and a Child
The country of Kazakhstan is four times bigger than the state of Texas yet has about 60% of the population of the Lone Star state. In other words—not greatly populated. Nonetheless every one of those 18 million people that do live in Kazakhstan are going to spend eternity with either Jesus Christ as Lord in the new earth or they are going to be alone in hell.
National preachers in this country are being supported by churches and individuals through Gospelink, and they are witnessing of their Lord on trains, in small villages where no church exists, and to their neighbors watching their unique way of life! Gospelink cannot put the photos or names national preachers from Kazakhstan on the internet. However, if you email me: I’ll send you a PDF write up of Pastor Resakh M. as well as the full photo of those sitting at the tea table in Kazakhstan. Below is the teaser photo— just the table set for tea!
Hot tea and cookies, jellies and sweet bread — At the end of this table sat a young lady in trouble, but others sat with her who introduced her to the Bread of life.