Kapalamula Booker Banda
This photo, taken in Mozambique, is one of my favorite photos of Booker Banda. Malawi by comparison enjoys more comforts than Mozambique, yet when health, finances, and civil unrest do not impede him, Booker travels frequently to that country— one of the poorest places on earth— to lead people to know Christ and to train leaders. In this photo, Booker is not concerned about the temporal problems surrounding him: bacteria, snakes, or crocodiles potentially lurking. Booker’s eyes are heavenward asking his Father for a blessing on the life of this new convert! This symbolizes how Booker has lived for years!
All Gospelink sponsored preachers write a quarterly report for the people who support them.
Excerpt from a recent report from Booker: During this past quarter. . . I visited two villages. I took one of the elders (from our church in town), and it was his first time to go with me. I told him that he needed to bring his own bedding with him, and he was shocked that we would be in a village where there was no hostel. I told him, “This is outreach.”
Kapalamula Booker Banda has served the Lord since the day of his salvation in 1974.
He has translated J. Vernon McGee’s radio programs into the Malawian language of Chichewa.
Since being supported through Gospelink (1998) he has planted 66 churches.
Booker has told me that though he continues “planting churches” he believes God wants him to focus on training spiritually strong leaders to lead the many churches that have sprouted in Malawi.
Booker is fully supported at the recommended Gospelink level, but any designated gifts for him to purchase Bibles, leadership training materials, or to cover expenses for outreach would be used to spread the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
To donate to Booker’s ministry in any fashion click this link.