Prayer in Wartime
Bullet proof vests and helmets are issued by the government. Yuri Fedorenko proclaims God’s power and his plan of salvation.
Yuri has the privilege to be a part of a team of fervent evangelical Christians, and they most commonly go out as Jesus sent us—in pairs.
This car was purchased for Yuri’s ministry this month by funds given to Gospelink’s Ukraine Relief Fund. Our desire is to purchase another one as soon as possible. The cost for this vehicle was $5,000.
Gospelink often expresses the ability for national preachers to go into areas of their country which Americans cannot access. Chaplain Yuri Fedorenko is the superlative example of such an opportunity, and he is making the most of it!
Each one of these men are prepared to use the weapons of this world. Yuri stands before them and offers them truths about the Lord of hosts.