Out of Ethiopia

There were protests and civil unrest in Ethiopia during October 2016 which are well documented. Below is a photo from the internet, taken at the very festival which “Anno” attended before he fled and was captured.

The following is a testimony from Anno’s online ministry:

The lady of this story is from Ethiopia, but she lived in Saudi Arabia for more than six years. She was from an Orthodox background, but she received pressure from her surrounding people to be Muslim. they were giving her every resource to show her, Islam is the truth and finally, she decided to accept Islam. Even she started some ritual things, but she didn't say “Shahadah” this word is the Islamic confession to be Islam. So, though very worried, this girl was about to say shahada on the same day, that somebody brought her to the chat group. I told her the purpose of the group and she started to ask questions, too many questions. She was asking many questions all night because she was afraid, she's about to become a Muslim. But finally, she told me the whole story and I told her I will pray for you but if there is persecution be ready, God will help you and I sent her something to listen. The next day She told me that she left the house. She texted me. “I left that house, now I am in a job agency office” I was shocked because she decided to leave the house, and by herself she told me if she was in that house she may face very bad things. Amazingly, the day that she went to the agency she found a job; there were many peoples there waiting also for a job but she got the job miraculously. Before the new employer took her from the office, she explained to him that she wanted to worship Jesus peacefully. One of the people on the list was looking for a Christian maid! They were very happy, and she was very happy when she goes to their house one of the house workers in the house is a Bible Believer. Now both of them are part of my online discipleship group. And they are learning.


Josiah in Ukraine


Camp Kaz