Jesus in Makanjila
On the shores of Lake Malawi, Helix declares and explains the symbolism of baptism. People from Makanjila follow the Lord Jesus in a baptism ceremony that confesses publicly that they want to follow the Lord with their lives.
With limited entertainment in the outlying areas of sub-Sahara Africa, a national preacher like Helix Chigonammalunge draws a crowd. Helix was willing to go and spend his time for three weeks, but his brother loaned him the pickup, and sponsors through Gospelink gave money for his food and gas. God gives the increase.
The Moslem chief sits on the left to try and smooth out a volatile situation. Helix sits on the far right. Pacing unhappily is the man in white, who soon became one of Helix’s bodyguards.
Helix is surrounded by new believers in Makanjila — people who professed their faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. The ones holding certificates have received baptism.