Global Hands of Hope

These are 20 girls out of a current total of 487 children who attend Global Hands of Help’s Suubi School.

Help with a matching grant

This photo of the Nile River was taken about a mile from Bukeka where Global Hands of Hope serves significantly.

This photo taken at Suubi this year in 2022

Compared with other living conditions in Bukeka — the house below is actually better than standard- note the metal roof, usually an indication that there is some form of income for the household.

A comment from one of the visiting villagers was overheard — “They have all the books of the world here!”

This photo was taken of the man who teaches history/geography at Suubi School. He is sitting in the library, and it was the first time he had ever seen an atlas.

Celebrating the library — An open house allowed anyone from town to come and see.

The Ronnie and Ritah Nalera family — national people serving the Lord in their own country!

Visit Global Hands of Hope website


Ministry in the Mountains


Set Affections Above